Reviews of days out and activies in Wales
Looking for things to do in Wales? In a country as diverse as this, the one thing you can be sure of is that you won’t be short of options
There are just so many things to do in Wales. There’s the great outdoors to explore for starters. And you can make it as active as you want.
Take it easy and discover ancient ruins or stroll alongside bubbling brooks or through rolling bucolic hills. Or feel the adrenalin rush of a downhill descent on a mountain bike or the fun of coasteering on the cliffs of Pembrokeshire. No matter what you want to do, the best of Wales is here. It’s no wonder Welsh tourism is flourishing.
And it’s a land that’s rich in culture and history too. Take a look at what’s on in Wales in the art galleries, museums and gardens; immerse yourself in the works of Dylan Thomas; treat yourself to something special in one of Wales’ unique specialist retailers, or simply pamper yourself in a spa. You’ll find so many unique things to do in Wales, you’ll find it hard to leave.
To find out what’s on in Wales when you’re visiting, choose a region from the list on the left, or use the search box below to find specific Welsh tourism sites, activities, and things to do in Wales. Press go and enjoy all that Welsh tourism has to offer!