Llandelio, Carmarthenshire, SA19 6BA
0870 9426938
Shopping, Carmarthenshire
Coats, bags, belts, jerseys, jackets, knits, frocks, or footwear, there’s one thing they all have in common at Toast. They’ve all been made with an ethical conscience.
You will find Toast from Carmarthen to trendy Knightsbridge however, this green company believes in doing everything they can to help the environment. And they refuse to use skins or pelts of animals raised solely for obtaining their skins. They’ll only use animals that have been raised for meat. What you buy here is durable and built to last - it’s better for the environment, say Toast, and better for you too.
Visit Toast
Monday : - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm. Saturday 9.30am - 5pm
0870 9426938
calls charged at national rate